Meet the Partners
Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) is an internationally recognized non-profit research institution of public interest and a top research organization in Italy, ranking first for scientific excellence in 3 different areas (ICT, History and Sociology). With a vibrant community of over 450 dedicated researchers and through its 11 internationally recognized research centres, FBK aims at excellence in the science and technology fields with special regard to cross-disciplinary approaches and application aspects.
The Data Science for Health (DSH) research unit of the Digital Health and Wellbeing Center of FBK develops predictive models on complex spatio-temporal patterns, integrating the different molecular biology levels, spatially explicit population models and landscape environmental analysis. DSH plans and implements full-fledged pipelines for the integrated analysis of different levels of omics data, diverse biomedical imaging data, and electronic health records (EHRs) through classical machine learning and deep learning algorithms, with specific care in the reproducibility and the interpretability of the developed models.
In 3DSecret, at DSH we will leverage artificial intelligence AI to investigate why some circulating tumour cells follow a path that leads to metastasis and others do not, in the context of breast cancer. To achieve this aim, we will use a kind of AI called deep learning to combine different levels of biological information extracted from these cells and to learn the characteristics of cells that metastasize. In the future, this kind of system will be a powerful tool in the hands of clinicians, together with the biotechnology that will be developed specifically for this project.
Meet the Team