Meet the Partners
2CA-Braga (Clinical Academic Center - Braga) is a non-profit partnership between the University of Minho (through the School of Medicine and the Institute for Research in Life and Health Sciences), the Hospital de Braga, E.P.E., and the CUF-Porto Hospital. Its main mission is to promote clinical research, providing the necessary support and seeking to ensure that the results translate into benefits for patients. Thus, 2CA-Braga facilitates the development of projects in clinical research, translational research and clinical trials, and carries out scientific activities in the area of health sciences, providing services to the clinical and scientific community.
The 2CA-Braga team is mainly involved in the clinical study of the 3DSecret project, which is very relevant to the development and optimisation of medical devices able to improve cancer diagnostics and relapse monitoring in patients with high-risk profiles. To accomplish successfully the objectives of the project, the 2CA-Braga team includes a multi-disciplinary team composed of medical experts from the Oncology Department of Hospital de Braga, study nurses, project managers and finance project managers.
The medical experts, who are investigators in the clinical study, provide consultancy services and are responsible for patient recruitment and data collection. The 2CA-Braga study nurses are responsible for the collection of biological samples from the patients. The 2CA-Braga project managers are responsible for managing the clinical project, for preparing the study documentation while ensuring that the legal requirements are met for the submission of the clinical study to the local entities (Data Protection Officer and Ethics Committee of Hospital de Braga) and during its conduct. The 2CA-Braga finance project managers are responsible for budget management throughout the project.